If you need it in future you'll can view this results page again (without the need to upload again your custom theme's ZIP package) at the following address:


  • Generic checks
  • ok

    Checking theme.xml file:

    "theme.xml" file correctly found in the root of the ZIP package.

  • ok

    Checking for any subfolders:

    There are no subfolders inside the root.

  • ok

    Analyzing the theme.xml file:

    The theme.xml file seems to be a valid XML file.

  • ok

    Checking theme's XML structure:

    The "theme" node and its two attributes "format-ver" and "package" have been found correctly inside the XML structure.

  • ok

    Checking XML nodes name:

    All the nodes used in the XML structure are known and valid.

  • ok

    Checking XML nodes number for backgrounds:

    There are 10 backgrounds nodes in the theme.xml file.

  • ok

    Getting files list used in the theme:

    35 files found inside the theme.xml file.

  • ok

    Checking if the files used in the theme.xml file really exist:

    All the files used in the theme.xml file exist.

  • ok

    Scanning for extra useless files in theme's folder:

    There are no extra useless files in the theme's folder.

  • Theme's data
  • ok

    Checking if "InfomationProperty" node exists:

    "InfomationProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking theme's title:

    Valid default value found: kohaku!!

  • ok

    Checking theme's provider:

    Valid default value found: kairi

  • ok

    Checking theme's version:

    Valid version pattern: 01.00.

  • ok

    Checking theme's thumbnail preview image:

    packageimage.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (226x128px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking theme's livearea preview image:

    homescreenpeview.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (480x272px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking theme's lockscreen preview image:

    startscreenpreview.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (480x272px) are correct.

  • Infomation Bar
  • ok

    Checking if "InfomationBarProperty" node exists:

    "InfomationBarProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking infobar color value:

    ffc05c7c is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking indicator color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notice font color value:

    ffc05c7c is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notice glow color value:

    ffcc6895 is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking "no" notice image:

    icon_settings.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (120x110px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking "new" notice image:

    icon_settings.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (120x110px) are correct.

  • Lockscreen
  • ok

    Checking if "StartScreenProperty" node exists:

    "StartScreenProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking date layout value:

    0 is a valid date layout.

  • ok

    Checking date color value:

    ffc05c7c is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify background color value:

    83ffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify border color value:

    b3c05c7c is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify font color value:

    ffc05c7c is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking image:

    screen5.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • Livearea
  • ok

    Checking if "HomeProperty" node exists:

    "HomeProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking background music file:

    No BGM value found, the PSVita will play the default one.

  • ok

    Checking base page icon file:

    No value found, the PSVita will load the default image.

  • ok

    Checking current page icon file:

    No value found, the PSVita will load the default image.

  • Icons:
  • ok


    icon_web.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_pabrental.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_mbusic.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_videos.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    iconb_party.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_trophies.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_music.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_psb4link.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_ps3link.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_friends.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_frieknds.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_bmessages.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_phbotos.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_ps3link.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    icon_store.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    iconb_settings.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    iconb_party.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • Backgrounds:
  • Background #0:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen4.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen4t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #1:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen7.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen7t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #2:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen6.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen6t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #3:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen2.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen2t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #4:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen3.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen3t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #5:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen1.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen1t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #6:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    pls!!.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    pls!!t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    5 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #7:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen5.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen5t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #8:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen5.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen5t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #9:
  • ok

    Checking backgrounds image:

    screen5.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (960x512px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    screen5t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    19 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffffff is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Summary
  • ok


    101 valid fields. Wow, this is an en plein! Your custom theme is impeccable, congratulations!

  • warning


    Congratulations, there is no warning in your custom theme!

  • error


    Congratulations, there is no error in your custom theme!

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